10 Tips on How to Stop Heel Striking When Running?

How to Stop Heel Striking


When it comes to running, your foot strike plays a crucial role in your overall running efficiency and injury prevention. Heel striking, landing on your heels first, can lead to excessive impact and stress on your joints, potentially causing injuries such as shin splints, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis. If you want to improve your running form and minimize the risk of injuries, learning how to stop heel striking is essential.

Why Is Heel Striking a Problem?

Before we delve into the methods to stop heel striking, it’s essential to understand why it can be problematic. When your heel strikes the ground with each step, it creates a sudden impact that travels up your leg. This impact can lead to various issues, including:

  1. Injuries: Heel striking increases the risk of injuries, such as shin splints, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis.
  2. Reduced Running Efficiency: Landing on your heels creates a braking effect, slowing you down and making it harder to maintain a consistent pace.
  3. Increased Energy Expenditure: Heel striking forces your muscles to work harder to absorb the impact, resulting in wasted energy and decreased endurance.

What is heel striking in running?

Heel striking in running refers to the heel landing first on the ground during each stride. It is a typical foot strike pattern where the heel makes initial contact with the surface, followed by a rolling motion toward the forefoot. A noticeable impact and a longer stride length often characterize heel striking. While it is a natural tendency for some runners, excessive heel striking may increase the risk of specific running-related injuries due to the impact forces transmitted through the joints. Developing a more efficient foot strike pattern can help improve running form and reduce the risk of injury.

What are the 3 running foot strikes?

The three running foot strikes commonly discussed are heel striking, midfoot striking, and forefoot striking. Each foot strike refers to the part of the foot that makes initial contact with the ground during running.

  1. Heel Striking: This is when the heel of the foot lands first on the ground. A noticeable impact and a rolling motion from the heel to the forefoot characterize it. Heel striking is often associated with a longer stride length and is more common among beginner runners or those with specific biomechanical characteristics.
  2. Midfoot Striking: In midfoot striking, the middle part of the foot lands on the ground simultaneously with the heel. This foot strike is characterized by a more even distribution of impact forces throughout the foot. Midfoot striking is a neutral foot strike associated with a more balanced and efficient running form.
  3. Forefoot Striking: Forefoot striking occurs when the ball of the foot and the toes make initial contact with the ground. A shorter stride length and a quicker turnover rate characterize it. Forefoot striking is often associated with a more natural and spring-like running motion and is commonly seen in experienced runners and those who practice barefoot or minimalist running.

It’s important to note that there is no universally “correct” foot strike, as it can vary depending on individual factors such as running speed, terrain, and biomechanics. The key is finding a comfortable foot strike for efficient and injury-free running.

10 Tips on How to Stop Heel Striking When Running

  1. Focus on Your Cadence
  2. Strengthen Your Lower Body
  3. Improve Your Posture
  4. Choose the Right Footwear
  5. Land Midfoot or Forefoot
  6. Increase Your Ankle Flexibility
  7. Try Barefoot or Minimalist Running
  8. Incorporate Drills and Exercises
  9. Listen to Your Body
  10. Seek Professional Guidance

Focus on Your Cadence

Cadence refers to the number of steps you take per minute. A higher cadence can help reduce the chances of heel striking. Aim for a cadence of around 180 steps per minute, as this promotes a more midfoot or forefoot strike, which is generally considered more efficient and less dangerous than heel striking. You can use a metronome or running app with a cadence feature to help you maintain the desired step rate.

Strengthen Your Lower Body

Weak muscles in your lower body, particularly your calves, can contribute to excessive heel striking. Incorporate strength training exercises such as calf raises, lunges, squats, and deadlifts into your workout routine. By strengthening your lower body muscles, you’ll be able to absorb the impact better and maintain a more balanced foot strike.

Improve Your Posture

Maintaining proper posture while running is crucial for preventing heel striking. Keep your head up, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as this can disrupt your natural gait and lead to heel striking. Imagine a string pulling you up from the crown of your head, aligning your body in an upright position.

Choose the Right Footwear

Wearing the right shoes can make a significant difference in your running form. Look for running shoes with ample cushioning and support in the midsole area. Opt for shoes with a lower heel-to-toe drop, promoting a more natural foot strike. Consider visiting a specialty running store or consulting a running shoe expert to find the perfect pair.

Land Midfoot or Forefoot

Try to land on your midfoot or forefoot instead of your heel to reduce heel striking. This shift in foot strike can help distribute the impact forces more evenly throughout your foot and lower leg. Focus on landing softly and quietly, as a loud and heavy landing indicates excessive impact and potential heel striking.

Increase Your Ankle Flexibility

Limited ankle mobility can contribute to heel striking. Regularly stretch and strengthen your ankles to improve flexibility. Perform exercises like ankle circles, heel drops, and ankle dorsiflexion stretches. Increased ankle mobility allows for a smoother transition from landing to push-off, reducing the likelihood of heel striking.

Try Barefoot or Minimalist Running

Barefoot or minimalist running can help you develop a more natural and efficient foot strike. These running styles promote a midfoot or forefoot strike, as the lack of cushioning encourages your body to absorb the impact more effectively. If you try barefoot or minimalist running, start gradually to allow your feet and muscles to adapt.

Incorporate Drills and Exercises

Include specific running drills and exercises in your training regimen to improve your running form and minimize heel striking. Examples include high knees, butt kicks, skipping, and running with a metronome. These drills can help reinforce a more forward-leaning posture and encourage a midfoot or forefoot strike.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain while running. If you notice a persistent ache in your lower legs or feet, it may indicate excessive heel striking or an underlying issue. Take rest days when needed, and consider cross-training activities such as swimming or cycling to reduce the impact on your legs. It’s essential to listen to your body and give it time to recover and adapt.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you’re struggling to correct your heel striking or experiencing persistent pain, seeking guidance from a running coach or physical therapist may be beneficial. They can assess your running form, identify biomechanical issues, and provide personalized recommendations and exercises to help you stop heel striking.


  1. Can heel striking cause injuries?

    Yes, heel striking can increase the risk of running-related injuries. It places excessive stress on the joints and may lead to shin splints, knee pain, and plantar fasciitis.

  2. Are there any specific exercises to help prevent heel striking?

    Yes, Specific exercises can help improve your running form and reduce heel striking. Examples include calf raises, single-leg squats, and skipping workouts.

  3. How can I determine if I am heel-striking?

    One way to determine if you’re heel striking is by analyzing the wear pattern on the soles of your running shoes. If the wear is concentrated on the heel area, you’re likely landing on your heels first.

  4. Is transitioning from heel striking to forefoot striking possible?

    Yes, it’s possible to transition from heel striking to forefoot striking with practice and gradual adjustments. However, it’s important to gradually transition to allow your body to adapt and prevent injuries.

  5. Should I consult a running coach or physical therapist for guidance?

    Consulting a running coach or physical therapist can be beneficial, especially if you’re experiencing persistent pain or difficulty correcting your running form. They can provide expert guidance and personalized recommendations based on your specific needs.

  6. How long does it take to correct heel striking?

    The time it takes to correct heel striking varies from person to person. It depends on factors such as your current running form, conditioning, and consistency in implementing corrective techniques. It’s essential to be patient and persistent in your efforts.


Heel striking can be a common issue among runners, but it doesn’t have to hinder your progress or cause injuries. By implementing the tips and guides mentioned in this article, you can learn how to stop heel striking when running and improve your overall running form. Remember to focus on your cadence, strengthen your lower body, maintain proper posture, choose suitable footwear, and listen to your body. You can enhance your running experience and reduce the risk of running-related injuries with practice and patience.

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